Innovative Strategic
Partnership project
Social FARMS is an innovative Strategic Partnership project started in November 2020 and ending on October 2022, granted under the European Union Programme Erasmus+ within the Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.
Main project product will be a platform for long distance learning including 3 modules and 13 case studies.

Innovative Strategic
Partnership project
Social FARMS is an innovative Strategic Partnership project started in November 2020 and ending on October 2022, granted under the European Union Programme Erasmus+ within the Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.
Main project product will be a platform for long distance learning including 3 modules and 13 case studies.

Case Studies
13 case studies represent successful examples of social agriculture from the five involved countries. The case studies can contribute to implement the training materials constituted by three Modules
Case Studies

13 case studies represent successful examples of social agriculture from the five involved countries. The case studies can contribute to implement the training materials constituted by three Modules
Training Modules
The three Modules are dedicated to each one of the three key profiles interacting with the inclusion and rehabilitation path of the person with disability: the Module 1, Social Farm Tutor, is addressed to the professional in charge to follow-up the field training program; the Module 2, Social Farm Manager, is addressed to the farm owner and/or director, responsible for the realization at farm of the rehabilitation plan; the Module 3, Social Farm Educator, is addressed to the professional in charge of facilitating the inclusion and rehabilitation process in collaboration with the social/health services.

Training Modules

The three Modules are dedicated to each one of the three key profiles interacting with the inclusion and rehabilitation path of the person with disability: the Module 1, Social Farm Tutor, is addressed to the professional in charge to follow-up the field training program; the Module 2, Social Farm Manager, is addressed to the farm owner and/or director, responsible for the realization at farm of the rehabilitation plan; the Module 3, Social Farm Educator, is addressed to the professional in charge of facilitating the inclusion and rehabilitation process in collaboration with the social/health services.